Virtual general meetings of associations – now also without statutes
The Bundestag has passed a bill that allows the possibility of a virtual and hybrid general meeting even without a statute regulation! https://lnkd.in/eCF84pvD
The Bundestag has passed a bill that allows the possibility of a virtual and hybrid general meeting even without a statute regulation! https://lnkd.in/eCF84pvD
Knowing the available judgment collection methods is important when setting realistic expectations for a case. This is equally helpful for attorneys who regularly take contingency fee cases or operate with flexible billing arrangements. The collectability of a potential judgment determines whether a case is worth filing and the amount of resources that should be allocated to the matter. Understanding the available collection methods available to the plaintiff (and potential creditor) is pertinent to properly framing a case for collection. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/importance-collection-strategy-ensuring-judgement-/?trackingId=gGGu3TfcjQq7tE5N%2BYtXpw%3D%3D
From January 5, 2023, the rules for maintaining military registration of conscripts, conscripts and reservists have been updated.Most of the rules governing the issues of record keeping existed in the previous edition. But there are certain changes, for example: Updating the rules of military registration at the enterprise. The head of the enterprise must carry out military registration or appoint a person responsible for this. Enterprises transfer data about employees once a year to law enforcement agencies.The procedure for military registration of women has been updated. Stricter rules have been established for registering women with a medical or pharmaceutical specialty. Therefore, the obligation to register concerns women – doctors and pharmacists. More changes can be found in the article by Yulia Liashko, a lawyer in the practice of Business Support https://lnkd.in/dkpJkmz9
The government has published for consultation a draft Code of Practice, prepared by ACAS. What does this mean? https://lnkd.in/efF3Hqxe
Capital gains tax rules are changing – now’s the time to revisit your will or #LPA. We take a look at what changes are on the way and why now is the time to plan ahead. http://bit.ly/3H2TmUq
In a traditional marriage, a woman or man has the right to receive information about the partner’s stay or health. But in partnerships there are no such opportunities. So it’s almost impossible to get information about your partner’s condition or visit him in the hospital. To resolve these issues, lawyers have developed a partnership agreement. A special document that regulates relations between partners. Its purpose is to recreate the institution of marriage. Yulia Liashko, a lawyer of business support practice, told more on this topic. Link https://lnkd.in/dWuJ4nqG 📌
From 1st February 2023, in addition to cross-border mergers, cross-border divisions and cross-border conversions (migrations) will be possible in- and outbound Estonia Starting from the next year February, EU companies can among other things migrate to another EU country without a liquidation. 07.December 2022, Estonian parliament adopted a law amending regulation on cross-border movements of EU companies. The law act transposes Directive (EU) 2019/2121 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 (Directive). The purpose of the above is, inter alia, to enable companies to carry out, in addition to cross-border mergers, also cross-border divisions and migrations. In many European countries the regulation already exists. Notably, to conduct the cross-border movements, both legislatures, i.e of state of origin and destination, must allow relevant cross-border actions. For instance, migrations are now yet possible from and to Estonia, Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. Notably, all EU countries must transpose Directive by 31 January 2023. Before amendment, there were cases in our practice, where Estonian company wanted to migrate itself from a public limited company into a company operating under the law of another EU state. In such a case, the business register has so far not satisfied the respective application, and the company had to go to court. It turned out to be practically impossible for companies to prepare correct documentation that could be acceptable by the commercial register and make an entry of cross-border migration in the commercial register. Since similar disputes in the past were complicated and it took years before a solution could be reached, this change is of the utmost importance and long-awaited. Participation in cross-border mergers, divisions and migrations is possible only for private limited companies and public limited companies registered in the Estonian commercial register. In addition, the law provides that cross-border movements are prohibited both when a company is in liquidation and relevant distribution of assets has begun, and when rehabilitation or bankruptcy hasbeen initiated against company. According to the new law, a number of cases are foreseen in which the registrar does not issue a required certificate, e.g. if the merger/division/migration does not comply with the applicable requirements, or if the cross-border movement is planned with the aim of circumventing company’s obligations etc. In addition, cross-border movement may also be rejected if it may pose a threat to Estonia’s security. Cuesta’s experts have a long-term hands-on experience in the number of processes of cross-border movements. So that the possible legal hurdles will be foreseen, evaded and relevant risks mitigated.
Probably you have already read news about major auditors refusing to audit the crypto-whale’s proofs of reserve. Now auditors don’t want to further put at risk their reputation and are extremely cautious with anything that has “crypto” in its naming. 🔍We have seen those gaps before the current auditors exodus and, as promised, would like to share our thoughts on this topic in the material which you can read here. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/proof-reserves-its-flaws-juscutum-attorneys-association/?trackingId=8tIhbszwyNs6e682tqUI4A%3D%3D
Liquidation is the preparation of an estate or a company (a legal entity) for distribution. But when should it be settled and what exactly does it mean? https://kennis.bierman.nl/blog/vereffening-van-nalatenschappen-wat-houdt-dit-in?utm_content=232636487&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin&hss_channel=lcp-112046
Why do some individuals have to go on “crusades” and trample on the thresholds of the courts in order to change their name? How to maintain a balance between preserving the Lithuanian language and ensuring equal rights for all those who want to change their names and surnames? Is it really right that the new order, which came into force this year, distinguishes certain groups of society? It seems that as the world globalizes, these issues will be more relevant and painful every time. Or will the order become more liberal and easier ? It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of what is more important, the right of a person to change the surname or the preservation of the Lithuanian language. It is clear that both things are valuable, respectable and protective. https://bit.ly/3Hycc7y
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